Unveiling the role and life strategies of viruses from the surface to the dark ocean
E. Lara, D. Vaqué, E.L. Sà, J.A. Boras, A. Gomes, E. Borrull, C. Díez-Vives, E. Teira, M.C. Pernice, F.C. García, I. Forn, Y.M. Castillo, A. Peiró, G. Salazar, X.A.G. Morán, R. Massana, T.S. Catalá, G.M. Luna, S. Agustí, M. Estrada, J.M. Gasol, C.M. Duarte
E. Lara, D. Vaqué, E.L. Sà, J.A. Boras, A. Gomes, E. Borrull, C. Díez-Vives, E. Teira, M.C. Pernice, F.C. García, I. Forn, Y.M. Castillo, A. Peiró, G. Salazar, X.A.G. Morán, R. Massana, T.S. Catalá, G.M. Luna, S. Agustí, M. Estrada, J.M. Gasol, C.M. Duarte. (2017) Unveiling the role and life strategies of viruses from the surface to the dark ocean. Science Advances, 3, e1602565, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602565